From betrayal To Badass
Start living a life you love through a ONE OF A KIND coaching experience

If  betrayal has written on your soul it’s time to re-write the script

Stand for yourself.
Find peace and forgiveness
Create a life you love!
Find Freedom
Live with certainty
Trust again
Find the love you deserve

Authors quote

“forgiveness is letting go of fear. Forgiveness is starting over. Forgiveness is unconditional love. Giving up the pity party and looking inward will change not only your inner self but also what you are reflecting to the outside world, your world and how you want to show up in it. Be who you were meant to be.

Bridging the Gap coarse

Welcome to ‘Bridging the Gap’ a non scripted one on one conversation between you and I. 

If you’ve been betrayed and have questions, don’t know how to move on, or wondering if you’re alone, my experience can give you hope. This coarse may be one answer or several answers or maybe simple inspiration to not give up but to reach for the stars and soar higher than you thought possible. I’m an average woman who lived an extraordinary life in many ways only to have to navigate my way through heartbreak, the truth and forgiveness, this is my story, it’s your story, it’s straight talk from a woman who wants every woman to be able to move on in a glorious fashion!

This course is part my story, part lessons learned, and part inspiration. Welcome.

What to expect from me and my coaching?​

You will have a one of a kind coaching experience that will help you navigate through your betrayal onto the path of success you are looking for. 

Have you lost yourself in the life you’re currently leading or maybe lost in the past? Has the betrayal you’ve suffered through written on your soul and you just don’t know how to re-write that part of the story?

throughI was there, drowning in self doubt, lost in family life and who I was supposed to be, trying to navigate the constant feeling of “what’s wrong with me”. The dissolution of a marriage is tough enough, but adding to that the feeling of betrayal that not always but often goes along with the ending of a marriage can be completely overwhelming. I was at the point where I would have rather chewed my own foot off than die another day in the feelings of betrayal and bitterness, so I heeded the call. What call? The call to be healthy. The call to forgive. The call to live my own dreams. The call to…

In case you’re wondering, that’s what you’re doing right now! You’re being courageous and powerful, standing for yourself. You’re no longer wondering am I meant for something more, you’re sure that you are! You my friend are taking action to live your best life.

Heeding the call is 80% of the battle, it is time to discover how to move forward, find peace, find forgiveness and create a life you love!

It is my goal to help you reach yours, with more ease and access than I did. My search lead me on a path with countless hours of research, classes, master classes and books. I spent thousands and thousands of dollars. Maybe you have already embarked on some of this, maybe you and Google are intimately acquainted. I get it. This time spent together can and will put you on your own hero’s journey, give you the tools to succeed where you want to and love your own life.

Who am? I am the mother of 4 children, and was for 30 years the step mother to his 3 children, we had a full house. I spent years speaking and volunteering; churches, women groups, my own woman’s group I held in my home, sports, several boards I have sat on, along with several other life experiences that have brought me to this place.

I have a story to tell, you have a story to tell, mine has a happy “continuing” and I offer the same to you.