
I shared this blog with a friend of mine yesterday, after several minutes I received the most beautiful note, in part it read “This is beautiful… The written word purges the soul, wipes clean the emotional passage ways and stands for your true feelings. The written word gives color and true feeling to the spoken word… I know what spurs and prods your journey”

He understood the letters, understood why I was doing it. I never said a word. No explanations, no reasons, no background as to why. Nothing. He read it, appreciated it and let me know in the most lovely fashion that he saw me through my words.

Love motivates my words, inspires me to write, love opened my heart in such a way I have no choice but to give it, share it, let if flow. This love is internal, love of self. This love is external, love of those around me. This love is eternal, it crosses all time. He saw it, felt it, experienced it through my words.

The note he sent was written more beautifully than I could ever write. The words were exquisite. It was his precious encouragement in the note that woke me up in the middle of the night to write this. He understood. Thank you my friend.

My deepest desire for this work that I am doing is that you feel that same genuine care, my hope is that a letter speaks directly to you. That it gives you encouragement, lifts you up, opens you up to the possibilities. I hope that you too, when you read, understand.