Welcome Home

My Dearest,

I am impatient for your return. It seems an eternity since you’ve been home. I watched you leave many months ago with my heart broken and a tearful goodbye, knowing it was necessary for you to take the journey away from home. 

After a long hug, I opened up my arms and with full understanding  let you leave. Going to seek. Going to explore. Going to expand. Going to grow. Going to find your own way. You are courageous, and a wonder to me daily. 

Sometimes minutes felt like hours yet my constant solace was the knowledge that this was not an ending but a beginning, not a door closing but one opening, a hero, the one that resides in each of us, in the making.

With your homecoming on the horizon I am confident that you will have found your truth and will come home walking a little taller. With your hard won courage, you’ll speak a little clearer. With your sense of self you’ll be able to step without reservation onto the path that was clearly your destiny.

Why am I telling you now at this late date? Because life happens quickly and I don’t want to miss any opportunity to let you know how proud I am of you. The person you’re becoming. The strength and determination it’s taken for you to travel so far, physically, mentally and emotionally only to come home who you were meant to be.

Keep moving forward. Don’t stop until you get home. If you get lost there is always a light to guide you, follow it whole heartedly and passionately, for when you do no matter what you have to walk through to get there, life as it was meant to be lived, is waiting. Be true to yourself, have integrity, choose to be happy. 

You are deeply loved and appreciated. I am always on your side, faithfully, constantly, joyfully.

Welcome Home.
