No Space Between Us


You toddled over with your shock of curly hair, a broken doll in your hand and climbed up with a tear stained face and draped yourself over my lap.

There is no space between us.

You rode with reckless abandon down the street only to come to a crashing halt. With a skinned knee and a tear stained face you wrapped your arms around my waist.

There is no space between us.

You had to explain to the teacher that the project you worked so hard on the dog really did eat. With a tear stained face you tucked yourself under my arm and wrapped your arms around me.

There is no space between us.

You had your first experience with heartbreak, a pint of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other, so sure you would never love again. With a tear stained face you wrapped your arms around my neck.

There is no space between us.

You’re all grown up now, a mane of wild wild hair, beautiful, graceful and confident. You no longer toddle over to me or ride your bike with reckless abandon. You navigate your heartbreak with care and mostly on your own. Today though, you walked in the house, told me you loved me and laid your head on my lap, just because. I’m sure there will be other days with tears to come but today you just want to need me. I love you.

There is no space between us.
