I Am Willing

It’s bigger than you and I. It’s bigger than my dreams or disappointments…Being willing.

I don’t know if I’ve made peace with being worthy or not but I’m willing to be worthy.

I’m willing to fall, I’m willing to fly.

I don’t know if I love myself completely yet or not. But I’m willing to try. I’m willing to love and be loved.

I’m not sure if I’m enough or not. But I’m willing to find out.

I’m willing to fail, I’m willing to succeed.

I’ve been battered and bruised in life and I’m not sure If I can make it but I’m willing to see what I’m made of.

I’m willing to stand and fight, I’m willing to conquer.

I’m willing to walk through the door you open, leave behind what I do not need to carry and discover me.

I am willing to serve, to love , to laugh, to give. I am willing.