“J” is for Joy

My Dearest,

You have been on my mind daily. I hope this finds you well and thriving today and everyday.

I looked up to the sky this morning and saw the sun shining through the clouds, you know what that looks like, it looks like God Himself is going to burst through any second. As the bigness and perfection began to soak into my mind and Spirit, my next thought was of you. Your hopes, dreams, and desires, your kind heart and what that has meant to me and so many others. 

There are difficult days I’m sure, days that get away from you mentally and emotionally. But I am writing to remind you, you are greatly loved! You are amazingly warm and funny, a beautiful soul. You are a kind and talented person with the ability within, to draw wonder, awe and joy directly to you.

I’m not sure if today is a day you need to be reminded of these things or not but I needed to say them. Today is a day my heart is filled with love for you, so much love it is flowing out in all directions. That much love needs to be shared with many and definitely needs to be shared with the one who inspired it.

So my dearest one, know that today,  you have been loved, you have been an inspiration, you have been a lovely thought, and a joyful reminder of the fulness of my love for you.
