Beyond Each Other


It seems like a lifetime since we’ve seen each other, that unbroken circle of friends. Once young in body, and mind, now young at heart and soul. Joyful voices in continuous harmony year after year after year.

We’ve seen each other through life trials and pure jubilation, marriages and children, break ups and growing pains. Love, laughter, music, pictures, words, life. Our lives. Our decades together and the small still spaces we share with one another. Those purest of moments when we come together and all is right with our worlds, when the only thing between us is time. Our age falls away, our differences fade into an unseen void, we connect from our hearts. 

This union has been tested by time, by change, by individual beliefs. This  union is the practice of unconditional love that has shown itself time and time again through laughter and tears, through prayer and kindness. Through comfort and sometimes, brokenness. 

You four women have blessed me beyond compare. Anchored me when I was drifting, lit a path when I could not find my way, held me up when I was so heavy with burden I didn’t have words to express my thoughts. You have held my hopes and secrets, successes and failures and here we stand. 

Thoughts written down many years ago, threads still connecting each of us to the other…

“Sisters from another time and place, forever young and hopeful. All heart and soul all tender and tough, these grown up girls.

This golden haired, Lydia

This wide eyed innocence, Dawn

This thoughtful, Beth

This lover of laugher, Eileen

This painter of words, Krys

Just a breath away, friends, sister soulmates from a far away time to just a thought ago.”

Thank you my friends. Thank you for your smiles and your joy, thank you for your laughter and  your tears. Thank you for being you. We have traveled beyond each other to become us. Thank you.


1 thought on “Beyond Each Other”

  1. I can’t be quite as eloquent as you… so I will just say Thank YOU! And I love you…. always 💖
    I still have that poem/photo and will always cherish your words, as much as I cherish your heart your soul and your friendship.

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