Leap Of Faith


I know the gap between where you are now and where you are going seems cavernous. Doubt clouds your heart and mind at times to all life has to offer. Beauty, joy, adventure, love. I encourage you to remember. To dream. To Choose. Close your eyes and imagine all your hearts desire before you, dream big, dream often, dream with intention.

The promises are there, whispering the truth in your ear. Urging you to let go of what is, and jump into what could be. The jump is the frightening part, the part that paralyzes us, the part that floods us with overwhelming fear.

You’re standing at a crossroads, you know the path to choose, you feel it, you see it, you hear it calling to you. Fear is loud. Relentless. Tormenting. Making you feel small, insignificant. Lying. Stealing your life.

Pause. Breathe. Feel. Listen. Rising up over the constant din of fear, is truth. Truth in being who you really are, truth in love, truth in courage. An ending. A promise. A beginning. 

Freedom. Freedom to dream, to create, to understand and be understood. Freedom to love and be loved boldly, genuinely, completely. Freedom to live life.

You were chosen for me, breathing life into me, allowing me to wrap my heart and arms around you to keep you safe, instead you kept me safe, your love kept me whole, kept me hopeful. True love gives and receives. True love understands, true love, sometimes has to let go.

Maybe your dream takes you further from me, creates a new life that  I am not so much a part of. Some loves are meant to grow towards separation and some are meant to grow together. There is only one rule when it comes to love and life, your heart knows the way.

You have been extraordinary in every way. Pushing yourself, rising to the challenges life has offered up. See yourself through my eyes, see your strength, see your courage. Be your courage. Be your truth. Be your own adventure. Take the leap. 

We have shared so much, heart of my heart, soul of my soul, eyes like mine. Move forward, live, laugh, love and when you look over your shoulder, I will be there. One day you will turn around and only memories will be standing in my place but today I am here, loving you, asking you to trust. Take a leap of faith. 
