The Bell and the Lighthouse

The Bell.

The ships bell in the raging sea, calls out. The keeper of the lighthouse hears the call of the distressed. Hears the soulful sound of the lonely bell, watching, waiting, hoping, praying knowing the lighthouse is the only thing that can save the sinking vessel. All he can do is shine the light and wait. Wait for the ship to see the light, wait for the chaos to subside, wait for action to be taken.

The Lighthouse.

She has weathered every storm yet stands tall, majestic, beautiful, proud. The light guides brightly, quietly, with unwavering strength. Never ceasing, never tired, she stands, making the way for those who see her, home.

One calls out because he needs to be heard and the other answers because she hears him. Each one of us at times is the bell and each is the lighthouse, one calling, one answering, each needing the other, each giving and receiving. Today is my turn to be the lighthouse.
