A Beautiful Soul


Life does not seem to slow down for you, the angel walking on earth. You have been caretaker, confidant, friend and joy giver. Within that frenetic pace beats the heart of a lion. Within that space of taking care of everyone else beats the heart of a hero. You are a beautiful soul.

I know you don’t think people notice but they do. Your unending devotion even in the midst of the pain, in the midst of the chaos, in the midst of the tears, is seen with a loving eye that pales in comparison to the love you show every minute of every day. You are a beautiful soul.

Although I can’t possibly understand where your journey will take you, I can tell you I see nothing but honesty in you and a precious heart. What we do from our heart, is seen by other hearts, those paying attention, those who feel the beat and wish to honor your path, those who feel sorrow in your sorrow and joy in your joy. You are a beautiful soul.

Take a breath and know, life is full of twists and turns, one mans ending is another’s beginning. The paths we cross are for a reason, the experiences we have are to guide others, the life we embrace with awe and share, is a life well lived. You, my friend are a beautiful soul.
