Music Man

Indian summer nights on the front porch the air filled with laughter and love. Music and words, words and music. What a wonderful time in our lives. The sweet innocence of that September evening, a boy and a girl falling in love, forever changing who we were to become.

Your voice holding me captive, eyes soft and sparkling, lit only by moonlight and our hearts. Hearts burning like they were on fire. Hearts touching and never letting go. Hearts drawn over time, home.

Summer turned to fall and fall to winter love ever growing but we lost our way. The music moves and flows in all directions marking time as it goes by, tapping us on the shoulder here and there allowing us to hold hands once again in our minds. A song, a reminder, a gift. 

A thought, a smile, even a chuckle out loud, music and words intertwined, years in between, seconds in between. Hello. Hearts within hearts, carried from another time and place, never forgetting, never leaving, never ending. 

Many lifetimes I have known you, many lifetimes I have loved you. Our initials carved in the tree of life, our dream, our spot, our light. Carefully, gingerly carrying each heart with the passage of time patiently anticipating hello again.

Your song is all around me, in the air, under the stars, in the ocean waves precious reminders of falling into you, halos of hair, green eyes, perfection. This is for you today, my precious memory, my home coming, my music man.
