I Smiled Anyway

I remember froggy little voices in low whispers in between belly busting laughter. I peaked in. Nothing good was coming from the huddle in the corner. I smile a little smile anyway.

A crash, a bang.

Your eyes wide with surprise, temporarily frozen in place, caught red-handed. Stumbling through an explanation that seemed perfectly logical to you. I can see your brother standing quietly beside you nodding in agreement with every word. I smile a little smile anyway.

Time gone by.

Bruised knees, football cleats, cartoons and tootsie rolls all long gone from my days. Children curled up tight by my side on a cold winters night are just memories. Funny school paintings and childhood tears have gone by the wayside. I smile a little smile anyway.

Growing stronger and more wonderful by the day, you were teaching me as you were learning. Teaching me to love more deeply, to listen more intently and to understand more completely.

A gentle giant stands before me now, his own rules, his own path ahead of him. Your fearless heart will lead, know it, hear it, trust it. Laughter still fills the rooms when you are near and your smile lights the way. But only echoes of small giddy voices and imaginary games remain.

Yesterday was years ago, today is almost gone, tomorrow I shall be just a memory. Your stories will carry on, stories of froggy voices and belly laughter, childhood tears and precious hugs. Your own children’s eyes wide with explanation. How time gives and takes.

I smile a little smile anyway.


2 thoughts on “I Smiled Anyway”

  1. I have not been able to stay on top of all the posts the last week and a half- I returned today to catch up…. tears in my eyes, love in my heart, a lump in my throat…. each post strikes chords – sure different subject different places different paths- but hearts they beat the same and the love it flows each way
    Thank you Krys for opening your soul to all of us-and triggering thoughts and feelings of our own, perhaps kept hidden -unsure what acknowledging them would bring ….

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