One story behind “Letters”

There are many types of loves in this world, all types of connections. Some touch our hearts briefly and move on, some are meant to stay a little longer but eventually move on, some stay for a lifetime, some stay, dare I say, for all eternity.

In the not so distant past I got my heart broken, there were days that breathing took conscience effort. I needed to heal. I needed to be honest. I needed to understand, I needed to give and to receive. With a friends careful and direct questions, I began the work …

What’s the worst thing that can happen? What’s the best thing that can happen? What was I afraid of? Why was I afraid?

Damn. That lead me to all kinds of places!  I’m talking about blame and forgiveness, I’m talking about when we know better we do better and applying those principles to everything and everyone in my life. Oh my God it was painful. Taking responsibility for my own thoughts and actions. Walking in love and not fear. I told you I had a good friends help through this… boy was I irritated with her. Her questions, her thoughts, her honest, kind and loving words that stung and burned hot in my heart and soul. I’m not sure what I would do without her constant unwavering friendship.

I know your saying to yourself what does all of this have to do with love letters. Through my dark spaces in life, my own soul searching, the knowledge of a deep unconditional love that exists somewhere in my life and her friendship, I am learning to be my best, most honest self. Honest in a more loving way than ever before. Pouring into other people, what my heart hears their heart yearn for. Loving them was loving myself and loving myself was loving them.

Each letter will have a different inspiration, some inspired by people places or things in my life. Some inspired by thoughts.  But all are inspired by love.

You may love them or hate them, that’s up to you.

But I truly hope they inspire you to be kinder to yourself and to those around you, we all feel helpless and hopeless sometimes. We all need to follow our heart sometimes in order to be deeply happy and fulfilled and this is part of me following my heart.

Thank you for reading,


4 thoughts on “One story behind “Letters””

    1. Katie, Thank you for all your help in this venture. I couldn’t have done it without you!

  1. I truly love this… you speak your truth- it just so happens to be the truth for many! I know it is for me… as I read and re-read I sobbed, good cleansing tears combined with tears of joy for you. I know many of these words and truths all to well myself- and applaud your courage to grow, to discover and to share with us. I look forward to experiencing your journey on all levels.
    With love-

  2. Thanks Lydia! I am so grateful that you hear and experience what I am intending in each post. Your awesome!!!


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The story behind todays letter

We love our pets, we love our children, we love our friends, we love our significant others, we love. 

There are many types of loves in this world, all types of connections. Some touch our hearts briefly and move on, some are meant to stay a little longer but eventually move on, some stay for a lifetime, some stay, dare I say, for all eternity.

In the not so distant past I got my heart broken, there were days that breathing took conscience effort. It was bad.  I needed to heal. I needed to be honest. I needed to understand, I needed to give and to receive. With a friends careful but direct questions, I began …

What’s the worst thing that can happen? What’s the best thing that can happen? What was I afraid of?  But the biggest, baddest question of all was, Why was I afraid?

Damn. That lead me to all kinds of places! Mostly places where I was the victim. Now please don’t get me wrong, there are times in our lives where we are truly victims, this isn’t what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about blame and forgiveness, I’m talking about when we know better we do better and applying those principles to everything and everyone in my life. Oh my God it sucked! Taking responsibility for my own thoughts and actions. Walking in love and not fear. I told you I had a good friends help through this… boy was I irritated with her. Her questions, her thoughts, her honest, kind and loving words that stung like a son of gun! I’m not sure what I would do without her constant unwavering friendship.  

I know your saying to yourself what does all of this have to do with the letter today. Through my dark spaces in life, my own soul searching, the knowledge of a deep unconditional love that exists somewhere in my life and her friendship, I am learning to be my best, most honest self. Honest in a more loving way than ever before. Pouring into other people, what my heart hears their heart yearn for. Loving them was loving myself and loving myself was loving them. 

Each letter will have a different back story, some directly related to the letter, some inspired by people places or things in my life. Some just because. 

You may love them or hate them or maybe you could give a s**t less, that’s up to you.

But I truly hope they inspire you to be kinder to yourself and to those around you, we all feel helpless and hopeless sometimes. We all need to follow our heart sometimes in order to be deeply happy and fulfilled and this is part of me following my heart.