Hill and Valley

I threw a smooth stone in a pond many lifetimes ago, the ripples from that small splash are still moving through my life today. Across time and space, souls meeting and separating only to find one another again. Connections that transcend all understanding except one…”It’s You.” your heart leaps within you, it’s recognition, it’s comfort, it’s home.

Trust. Love. Joy. Passion. Time, healing, past, present, everything together. Time folding in on itself having no meaning, keeps on moving and bending, conforming to nothing and waiting for no one. Lightning fast when we are happy, slogging along when we are not.

Universe, limitless, life changing, time. It’s what we make of it, how we use it. I climbed to the top of a hill and looked over everything and it was beautiful and perfect, time moved on and I found myself in the valley looking up at the next hill, dreading the climb. A moment of silence. A sigh. Then trusting, remembering the view, the beauty, the ecstasy, the triumph.

Soul to soul, always present, forever riding the waves of time. I think I’ll start the climb.

1 thought on “Hill and Valley”

  1. I am so enjoying reading every gorgeous word in each letter or note. So much life lived. So much wisdom gathered. Yes, please start the climb….. and tell us what you see, hear and feel with each step taken. Lots and lots of Love, Beth

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